My computer sucks...I am here and now declaring it unto the world. I have had it barely more than a month and already, the webcam doesn't work, the USB ports sometimes don't recognize that there's anything in them, the fan makes a horrible whirring sound, and to top it all off sometimes it just won't turn on. I paid a buttload of money for this stupid thing and it's already falling apart. I am really not happy about this.
Then I almost went postal on the lady at customer support, I know it wasn't her fault, but basically Sony will only service my computer in the US becuase I don't have international warranty coverage, because despite the fact that I told the stupid sales people at Best Buy that I would be using the computer in South Korea, they never mentioned that I would need international coverage to validate my warranty abroad. So I have to send my computer to CA then have them send the computer to my parents, then I have to have my parents waste 100 dollars to ship it back to me. I am almost tempted to use the stupid thing until it dies, then buy a new one here. Definitely not a Sony. After the 200 dollars worth of shipping, it would only be about 500 dollars more to just buy a new machine. Oh the rage...
Did you happen to receive 6 bottles of dandruff shampoo for your birthday??