This week I was in a pretty foul mood all week. Finally I came to the realization that I am in severe need of a vacation…sadly my next day off work isn’t for another month and a half. Oh well. This semester of my Korean classes will finish in about three weeks, so I should gain a little bit of free time then. I think big city life is finally starting to get to me. Every day I am pushed and bumped, and rudely swept aside by thousands of people. Being from the Midwest, I’m not used to these kind of cramped quarters, and while it was novel and exciting at first, I think I’m finally getting tired of it. I am not a city girl, I’ve decided.
This Thursday was Pepero day. Pepero as I’m sure I mentioned last year on November 11th, is a delicious chocolate covered cookie stick. I bought a lot of Pepero to give to my students. However, my students also brought Pepero for me, so I ended up leaving school with more Pepero than I started the day with. I even tried to give some away to my Korean classmates, but they all had the same idea, so we just exchanged boxes, and all left with the same amount. I don’t think I will be eating Pepero again until next November 11th. Although, next year’s Pepero day is going to be amazing. It will be 11-11-11.
Thursday was the beginning of the G20 Summit in Seoul. Luckily, for the ease of my life, it was on the other side of town, and apart from the amped up police presence in the subways, I barely even noticed that a bunch of world leaders were here. Although they did pull out a bunch of stops to make Seoul look like a more exciting and nice city than it really is. Don’t get me wrong, I love Seoul. There is culture, and fun things to do and see almost everywhere. But they went a bit overboard for the summit. On Friday night, I was out with some friends, just walking around an area, that I’ve been to a million times before, and all of the sudden out of nowhere we see a hot air balloon, so we go over to check it out, and lining the small stream are hundreds of lantern floats depicting scenes from all over the world. It was beautiful, but if it hadn’t been for the international press present in the city, it wouldn’t have been there.
Saturday I went out for Greek food with some friends found a purple coat, then went home and holed up in my apartment. I’ve started being really greedy with my little free time. I should probably stop that. Today I went to church. Apparently for the Christmas program, the choir is performing selections from Handel’s Messiah. I don’t know how I managed to do it, but I have made it through 25 years of life without ever having heard anything from Handel’s Messiah, needless to say, the sight-reading today did not go well, but I am determined that next week will be much better.
Today after church, I came home, made so tuna rice balls…they were yummy. Then I watched the first episode of the new drama Secret Garden. There weren’t any subtitles yet, as it just came out yesterday, but I was able to guess most of the plot. Then all of the sudden, the concert scene came on. I was shocked, I wasn’t expecting it to be in the very first episode, but there it was, I watched carefully, sadly unable to pinpoint us in the large crowd shots. As I was beginning to lose hope a five second segment appeared, it was at just the right angle to be right behind us, and there silhouetted against the lights of the stage were two very tall, obviously not Korean girls, which I am positive were my friends, which means that the slightly less obtrusive figure to the right of them is ME!!!! I made a 3 second appearance in a Korean drama…my life is complete.
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